Friday, May 14, 2004

It's ass smack night

so i gather my mail the other day and the thought suddenly occurs to me that i really should begin to warn these people that the address that they have come to adore sending me bills and pizza coupons is soon to no longer be my residence. i grab my trusty change of address any good nomad does i always have a few on hand...and i realize--i do not have a forwarding address. now the fact that i have no actual place to live in a week is not the shock--i suppose i just never thought about the fact that once i leave this conflicted beautiful wasteland of inspiration known as the desert that i would need to have a place to forward my mail. i suppose i would just rather not think about a great many things these days as so many things are ending, changing, beginning and contorting themselves all at once. funny how beginnings so often disguise themselves as endings...and vice you suppose if i were to write in that spot for my new address "street: 1990 pontiac grand am, state: the continental U.S, zip: 85000-12000...and everywhere in between" that the post office could simply deliver mail to my car? the wonderful truth of the matter is that in just under a week that will be my new home---all of my worldly possessions and my best mate and i will be spelunking our way into my vehicle only to move wherever our hearts desire. my best mate being my dog she is very cooperative with this current plan of action. i've realized that as long as i have treats and plenty of love guinness will agree to whatever plan i dictate....perhaps she thinks that disobedience would result in not being fed...and lets face it--the most prevailing thought on her little puppy mind twenty four hours a day is---so when do we eat?...well it is almost ten after two in the morning and i graduate from my last educational institution...(until i become masochistic and go back for my masters &/or doctorate) less than nine hours so i must go finish setting up the house for our bbq tomorrow....perhaps i could just list random highways and make it yet another adventure....stalk angel across the greater united states to get her the mail...there is so much to come but so much to say goodbye to.

Monday, May 10, 2004

so an era